Here's a list of helpful links for prospective clients and anyone interested in
learning more about Earth Circles, mental health, domestic violence prevention and more.
Depression, Suicide and Addiction
Depression, Suicide and Addiction often go hand in hand and impact countless lives. Read more about their connection here.
Depression and Addiction: Read more here
Suicide and Addiction: Read more here
Thinking About Suicide?
"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain." Compassion and resources for people who are feeling suicidal.
Choosing a Counselor
How to evaluate the competence and effectiveness of a therapist or counselor based on very simple evidence you can gather.
Re-parenting: For the Little Ones Inside
Robyn Posin's ongoing journey of healing and re-parenting of wounded little ones within. "Here rest is recognized as a sacred act; there is always permission to go only as fast as the slowest part of us feels safe to go."
Overcoming Overeating
The National Center for Overcoming Overeating is an educational and training organization working to end body hatred and dieting through self-acceptance and attuned eating.
Trans Lifeline
A hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.
Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs
members of our community might have. US: (877) 565-8860, Canada: (877)
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
Meetings of 12-step groups to support survivors of incest.
The Recovery Village
PTSD education and information on identifying symptoms and ways to seek help.