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Chong You

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(510) 200 - 8775

chongyoulin [at]




Chong-You Lin




I hold a MA in transpersonal counseling from John F. Kennedy University and had studied in East-West psychology Ph.D. program and received a spiritual counseling certificate.

My emphasis is working with adults who are having concerns with relationships, emotions, transitions, addictions or eating disorders. I also work with children, adolescents and couples. Coming from Taiwan, I can speak Mandarin and understand how cultures impact one's psychology.

My other areas of specialization include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing), Hakomi, hypnotherapy and meditations. With these skills, I facilitate my clients to transform their traumas, difficult feelings, beliefs, and behavior patterns.


林從猷, 婚姻及家庭諮商師


我經過EMDR(眼動身心重建法)的訓練,能協助有創傷經驗的個案,降低他們受過去經驗的影響。我也運用Hakomi 方法,催眠及靜坐方法來幫助我的個案轉化他的心理創傷及困擾他們的情緒、想法及行為。我的連絡方式 (510) 200-8775,或 寫信到 chongyoulin [at]



contact me:

(510) 601-1929

Kenichi Takahashi


Somatic Experiencing Practitioner


While building resources to reinforce a new positive pattern, you will gradually integrate and transform old patterns of body and mind.

My therapeutic approaches are Body Centered Mindful Approach (Hakomi and Somatic Experiencing), EMDR, Expressive Arts, and Energy Psychology including Pranic Psychotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping meridian points).

I offer psychotherapy for adults, couples, and children in English and Japanese. I specialize in addiction (Substance Dependence), anxiety, cross-cultural issues, depression, eating disorder, grief, self-esteem, panic attacks, and trauma (PTSD). I am a graduate of John F. Kennedy University of Holistic Studies specializing in Transpersonal Psychology. I have completed the Professional Training for Hakomi in 2010. I have received the certificates for Eating Disorder program, Addiction Studies program and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I have a practice in Pranic healing, which is non-touch based energy healing.

私の心理療法ではクライアントの方に感情面で安心でき心のこもった空間、場所を提供しています。私の行う心理療法は単にお話を聞き、今まであった記憶、辛 い気持ち、直面している問題を共有するだけでなく、皆さんにそれを実際にその場でその感情や記憶を今感じて頂き、子供や辛いことが起きた時に統合されな かった古い記憶の神経ネットワークを脳全体の神経ネットワークと統合していくという手法です。その結果、過去の記憶に対して、以前感じていた辛い気持ちや 身体の感覚は和らいでいきます。またその記憶、感情や身体感覚に関連した自分自身や他人に対する否定的な見方や考えもポジティブに変化していきます。私の 専門はトラウマ、PTSD, パニック障害、憂鬱、ADHD,統合失調症、不安障害、摂食障害、Anger Management, Grief, アルコール薬物等依存等です。子供から大人、夫婦まで日本語で相談に乗ります。身体に触らないで行う気功療法(心と体の両方を治療できます)もやっており ます。ぜひご連絡ください。


contact me:

(510) 601-1929

Erin Carnahan

PCC Intern


I offer a person-centered and integrative approach to therapy, drawing on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, family systems and feminist theory, as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.  I teach strategies and tools to manage the symptoms that may be affecting your daily functioning, while engaging in a compassionate, honest, and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationship that can facilitate deep healing. To me, therapy is a holistic process of addressing biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of individuals and their experiences. 

Supervised: by Yvonne Beyer #36544


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Chris Belmondo



I believe in creating and holding a safe, empathic space for people to be able to share their experiences, ask questions, and get validation for their feelings, as well as learning skills that can lead to a better quality of life. Creating a collaborative relationship with clients based on a client-centered perspective, along with a harm reduction view of therapy, and allowing a client’s experiences to unfold through a combination of Narrative Therapy, Feminist Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to help them enrich their narratives is also important to me. I have a concentration in, but not limited to substance usage issues, LGBTQ issues, anxiety, and depression.

Supervisor: Yvonne Beyer #36544 



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Shang Heping



We come into this world to experience, grow and enjoy a good life. We all experience suffering and difficult times, which can lead us to distorted interpretations about self, others, and how to understand our experiences. Yet, we all have instincts, drives and the right to pursue our own happiness.


I started my search for truth with the physical world. I studied science and worked as a researcher in China, Canada and the US. I have MS and Ph.D degrees in computer science, and am a veteran of computer engineering.


I believe happiness comes from inside of ourselves. I believe psychological disorders come from distorted experiences and thoughts. Our biological conditions can impact our experiences; but I believe our psychological conditioning often determines how we behave and react. My approach is holistic and humanistic. As a therapist, I enjoy offering what I’ve learned from positive psychology, holistic and humanistic theory, cognitive, behavioral, and many other therapy methods to help us understand who we are and how to overcome our life difficulties.

I am available for sessions on Saturday.


Supervisor: Yvonne Beyer #36544

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Torrie Pierre-Hargraves

MFT Trainee

I am an MFT Trainee who is passionate about providing individuals and couples with tools to strengthen relationships while optimizing healthy. I believe in providing a safe, open and empathetic space where the healing journey can begin.


I come to ECCC with over 10 years of experience working with teens and adolescents with multiple Mental Health diagnosis in a Residential Treatment Facility.

Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544

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Tyeshia Brown

MFT Trainee

I value and use my knowledge of cultural competence and the understanding of cultural diversity and cultural sensitivity in my work. My goal is to give individuals a space to safely process, heal, and work through the challenges that life brings, without judgement. I understand that there are many aspects in one’s life, including mental and physical health, your home, work, and/or school environment, your spirituality and beliefs, and your support systems, that all play a role in your whole self. I believe that we are the experts in our own lives, so I like to work from a collaborative approach in assisting, supporting, and guiding individuals to build on their existing strengths, to have meaningful relationships with the self and others, and to live their best possible life.

Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544


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Jean Donabedian

MFT/PCC Trainee

I am an MFT/PCC Trainee who believes in creating a safe and welcoming space for all. There are a variety of challenges that we face in our lives. I believe that therapy is a place where we can work collaboratively in order to find the roots of these challenges and work to better oneself and meet therapeutic/personal goals all without judgment. My primary focuses are cognitive-behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, and narrative therapy. I have a concentration in, but not limited to, grief work, LGBTQ+ issues, trauma, anxiety, and depression. I work primarily with teens, adults, and couples; however, all are welcome!


Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544


contact me:

(510) 601-1929

Heather Watkins

AMFT #101404

Considering the mind, body and spirit as a whole, I utilize an integrative strength-based approach designed around the unique goals and experience of each client. My practice is intuitive, non-judgmental, and non-pathologizing. I consider you the expert and believe strongly in your innate intelligence and self-healing capacity. My aim is to provide a safe space in which you feel free to express openly, reflect upon the self, unearth the roots of personal pain, shift negative patterns, and adopt positive lifestyle practices. Collaboratively, we can explore the many dimensions of your being and gain insight into the roles personal history, relationships, emotions, thought patterns, cultural values, and belief systems play in shaping you and affecting the quality of your life. I encourage trusting your inner knowing, recognizing your inherent value and power, heeding the messages expressed through symptoms and coping strategies, and listening to your soul’s callings. I am here to support you in your personal process of self discovery, transformation and healing. I am a Bay Area native, artist, musician and dancer and have worked for over 35 years in the youth development field facilitating community based creative arts and social justice programs.


Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544

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contact me:

(510) 601-1929

Samantha Forman

MFT Trainee

My name is Samantha. I am a Marriage and Family therapist trainee. I am excited to welcome you to this space whatever your reason for being here may be. Selecting a therapist that you align with is one of the first steps in your healing journey. In my therapy sessions, I provide a safe and judgement free space to explore all elements of your experience. I will provide support and compassion for any life challenges that you bring to therapy. I believe in the concept of bio individuality; every individual leads a different and unique life and requires a different approach in the therapy room. I will tailor my therapeutic process to your specific needs and goals. Therapy with me will be a collaborative partnership in which I aim to empower you in your life. I believe that each of my clients has what they need within themselves. I am simply here as a support in finding whatever that may be and aiding you in tuning into your own body and mind. I am driven to support my clients in discovering and living as their most authentic selves.


Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544

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Maria Linsao

Registered Associate MFT #111481

There is a zen koan that claims, “not knowing is most intimate, most near.” I imagine that for each person there can be a great deal of this “not knowing” around what therapy might be like. I imagine therapy is a journey towards the unknown, a vast landscape full of possibilities for change. Or, therapy has also been likened to the alchemical process, a symbolic process of transforming base metals into gold. And yet, what does this all mean when it comes to the actual therapy experience? I invite you to co-create a sacred space in which we can explore, talk about, and process what is coming up for you in all areas of your relational life, including your relationship with yourself. A bit about myself. I moved to the Bay area 19 years ago, and lived and worked in different communities, including a zen buddhist community; in 2010 I was ordained as a zen buddhist priest. I returned to graduate school in 2015, and obtained an MA in integral counseling and psychology. I have worked at different community mental health clinics that specializes in integrating the social, emotional, and transpersonal parts of a person to support them in their healing journey. I am a current graduate of the psychology internship program at the C.G. Jung Institute. I have extensive experience in breath meditation, I love exploring symbols, patterns and their meanings in both dreams and waking life as a way to cultivate and enhance curiosity and imagination.


Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544


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Please only contact me directly at,

or text or voicemail me at

510-684-3729, and I will reply as soon as possible.

Korë Rebecca Williams

MA, MFT #52509

I am most inspired in life by the capacity we all share to heal, grow, and reach for the joy and connection that is our birthright. I witness this capacity every day in my clients' courage to transform hurt and fear from the past, and present day obstacles into deeper understanding and respect for themselves, and the freedom to make richer choices in their lives.


In the compassionate safety of deep acceptance and presence, I create the space for you to heal and reach for this freedom and richness in your life. Where you can learn to feel relaxed, empowered, and alive, and create the loving, trusting relationships with yourself and others we all yearn for.


My work blends warmth and empathy with somatic, relational/attachment, mindfulness, and cognitive techniques to build a strong, flexible sense of self, and guide clarity of insight into old, conflicting patterns. I offer a wide variety of modalities for my clients to choose from so we can tailor a therapy experience that is the most effective and comfortable for you. I also approach the work we do together from a holistic perspective to support you in strengthening your individuality, wholeness, resilience, and capacity to make choices in a very complex world.


I specialize in healing anxiety, depression, isolation, low self-esteem, and grief; physical, sexual, emotional and developmental/attachment trauma; addictions and eating disorders; and in learning to cope with chronic pain and illness. I have many years of extensive training in IFS (Internal Family Systems), EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Attachment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Non-Violent Communication, yoga, qigong, and meditation.

I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, have been practicing psychotherapy since 2002, and work primarily with individuals and families. I warmly welcome clients from all ethnic and racial backgrounds and sexual orientations, and have many years of training in anti-racism, and in issues concerning the queer community. I am often able to offer a sliding scale fee range based on income.

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Sara Moss

MFT Trainee

We will collaborate to support and empower you in finding more autonomy, clarity, and ease in all areas of your life. By addressing recurring blocks and triggers, we can work to uncover a more authentic version of yourself and an aligned future.


All my sessions are tailored to your needs utilizing integrative, somatic-centric, and strength-focused approaches. I am open to working with all types of clients and have additional experience supporting those with sleep disturbances, anxiety, trauma, life transitions, technology addiction, or nervous system dysregulation. I'm a current MFT student at Pepperdine University Graduate School of Psychology and Education. My previous degrees and training include a BS in Biology and Physiology from the University of Washington and an Integrative Health and Medicine Specialization through the University of Minnesota. I have extensive personal experience in ecotherapy, somatic experiencing therapy, hypnosis, meditation, and mindfulness practices.

Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544

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Alicia Mae Persaud

MFT Trainee

With my education and experience, I bring a unique and culturally adaptive approach to therapy. I aim to work alongside clients to meet their goals. Along the way, I strive to help them gain self-awareness, mental clarity, and balance in their lives.


I currently work with individuals, couples, and families on a wide variety of goals. I specialize in working with adolescents and transitional-aged youth who face an array of problems. Additionally, I have a passion for working with those who have Sensory Processing Sensitivity and those who identify as introverts as these individuals are unique and often highly misunderstood members of society. My experience includes working with clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, self-esteem problems, communication problems, self-harm, ADHD, PTSD, and more.


My goal is to create a safe and accepting space in therapy. Through my integrative approach, I tailor treatment to each client's unique needs and emphasize the client's role in setting their own goals and creating their own experience in therapy. Therapy is a collaborative process and I base much of my work on the client-therapist relationship and our teamwork together.

Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544


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David Fore

Counseling Intern 

You might be processing grief or trauma. Maybe you’re facing a diagnosis or a life transition. Perhaps you need help with your relationships. You may want to free yourself from conflicting impulses and demands and to live more fully. I bring compassion, authenticity, and hope to my counseling work. I can help you tap into your true self so you may live with greater calm and clarity, courage and creativity. I blend psychotherapy practices with yoga for grounding, introspection, and inspiration.


I will earn my Masters in Counseling at Palo Alto University in December. Before Earth Circles, I was a bereavement counseling intern at Pathways Hospice.  I entered this field after working with pediatric patients and families to co-design an innovative chronic-illness care system funded by the National Institutes of Health. I also spent many years inventing medical and environmental systems. I believe we heal and grow by enlivening our relationships with ourselves, with one another, and with the planet.

Supervised by Yvonne Beyer, LMFT #36544

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